IT'S HERE!!! Kicking off on Saturday May 21st 2011!! North to South Nova Scotia, self funded, self supported, raising money for a brilliant charity - Brigadoon Children's Camp for chronically ill children.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
The long and winding (and usually uphill) road

Monday, 22 February 2010
Beating the 20 minute barrier
Not sure that my 22 minutes from last week really counts - had a bash this evening on the treadmill and felt decidedly sick! I did find it helped last week to hide the timer on the treadmill and focus on my playlist instead, so I'll be back on it tomorrow and having a crack at the Sport Relief training plan, not that I have exactly outgrown my current plan but a change is as good as a rest (I wish).
On the bright side, I am now the proud owner of 1 pair of clingy short shorts, 1 red vest and 1 long sleeve red top so at least I'll look the part. Tempted to wear something comical but can't think what - well, nothing that will make me look glam - also thought I must get my photo taken post-run while holding up a sign to thank Mr Maheson, hip surgeon extraordinaire and saviour of the crumbling hip brigade. Not bad really that I can (try to) run 3 miles when I couldn't last a decent day's shopping 3 short years ago - not only am I superwoman, I'm bionic too. Off to rest my bionic bones now, its 10pm and past my bedtime!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
And then I bounced right back
Day of rest on Sunday, massive roast dinner, pork pies and chocolate orange cake for tea, fixed me right up. Back on it Monday with a 20 minute run, wasn't even fazed (well not tooooo much) by the Sport Relief 4 week training plan which landed in my inbox today, in brief its about 4 times the effort of my current training plan, gulp.
Watching the winter Olympics this week, that combined with the lovely husbands tales of derring doo on the slopes of Lake Louise mean I have been snowboarding in my head, so had to buy a jolly nice new jacket which I don't exactly need but since when did that ever matter to a girl with a credit card... Bargain buy anyway, even if I couldn't afford it - one must have rewards for all this getting fit effort, don't you think?
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Over the Hill
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Ups and Downs
16 and a half minutes on the treadmill! I was aiming for 20 when one of the old(ish, with bald spot and straggly ponytail) maintenance chaps comes into the gym in his usual uniform, screwdriver and mobile phone in hand - so I assumed he had come in to fix something. He gets on the cross trainer so I thought maybe its broke and he's going to fix it. Several minutes later he was still going strong - a sneaky workout in his Mr Fixit rounds? Whatever - I had totally lost concentration so gave up. But still, I was pretty chuffed that I could do a whole quarter of an hour twice in one week. Until a bloke on our team showed me his 6 mile lunchtime run route map...
This evening I have been working on a rough draft of the Nova Scotia bike ride route map which is about half way done, and showed my trainer / mentor /chief mechanic /much better half - he thinks I am underestimating my abilities and could do a fair bit further each day. Really? Day after day? For 850k? I'm not sure. But am delighted by his faith in me :o) So this will be the 'worst case' / 'better safe than sorry' version, to keep up my confidence while I work on my stamina. Then I might reconsider.
This evening I have been working on a rough draft of the Nova Scotia bike ride route map which is about half way done, and showed my trainer / mentor /chief mechanic /much better half - he thinks I am underestimating my abilities and could do a fair bit further each day. Really? Day after day? For 850k? I'm not sure. But am delighted by his faith in me :o) So this will be the 'worst case' / 'better safe than sorry' version, to keep up my confidence while I work on my stamina. Then I might reconsider.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
What to wear...?

I was having a 'what to wear' dilemma earlier, on account of the Sport Relief Mile. I want to wear stretchy shorts and a vest top but thought perhaps a baggy tshirt and sweat pants would be more appropriate. Then I thought oh what the hell, no-one cares what I look like except me, so guess what I bought on e-bay :o)
Monday, 8 February 2010
Weeeell... maybe just a little bit
FIFTEEN MINUTES NON-STOP ON THE TREADMILL! For me, that's 50% longer than I ever ran before on a treadmill, and I was tired but not completely beat, so decided to quit while I was ahead. AND it was after work rather than my usual early morning, on account of the car headlamps conking out this morning. Thank the lord my lovely husband is back from his snowboarding escapade (did I mention I am green with envy..?) and fixed them up for me, so avoiding garage stress and expense. He's a star. Sunrise 7.30something this morning so soon it will be light enough to get back on the bike to work routine - spring and daffodils just around the corner, happy days.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Most definately NOT born to run

Good thing is, by comparison, riding my bike seems like a piece of cake, so as soon as this 3 mile thing in March is out of the way I'm back on two wheels - even those hills are surely easier with a bit of pedal power. In the meantime - nice warm gym tomorrow morning - lovely.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Who knew Tenerife was so pretty?
Back to the grind now - trying not to succumb to post holiday blues, all the harder as its my lovley husband's turn now, snowboarding in Banff, the lucky dog. Early morning run tomorrow before work, then back on the training programme and only a few weeks until the Sport Relief 3 mile run - gulp.
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