Tuesday, 16 November 2010


It's COLD! And wet and windy and very slippery. The countryside looks amazing, mysterious misty mornings, sparkling frosts and colours galore, but boy is it hard getting out of bed at 6am and pulling on layer after layer to keep the frostbite at bay. Fell off en route to work a couple of weeks ago, darkness and a carpet of leaves hid the edge of the path so off I wobbled and then skidded frantically before hitting the tarmac - those leaves didn't do much to cushion the impact! Which all seems to have dented my confidence a bit, although heaven knows I should be used to falling off by now, I do it often enough. It was my birthday on Sunday and a lovely day so we went for a pootle along the canal, cut short when my lovely husband mentioned that, given the time of day and my slow progress, we would be returning in the dark. With my second rate lights, mud, leaves and a cold dark canal lurking menacingly -no, not brave enough. But a lovely birthday anyway, and very pleased with my new Flip, which will come in dead handy for a video diary of our big bike ride in a few months time!