After a fantastic ride at the weekend with my lovely husband I am feeling cautiously optimistic that, if I keep hammering away at those hills, I might just make it from top to tail of Nova Scotia next spring - happy days. I did eventually cave in with very wobbly legs on the last hill (which I mistakenly took to be our local Hill From Hell, but it turned out to be the Hill From Hell's Big Brother), but not before I beat a few of my ancient demons in the very pretty but awfully hilly countryside that we are lucky enough to have on our doorstep. Apart from having a few stern words with a farmer who had rigged up some completely invisible string across the road to guide the cows in for milking - cue screech of brakes - it was a totally feelgood day. Getting a bit lost added to the fun, we took a few very scenic detours and with grim determination eventually made it to the
Goose & Cuckoo for a well deserved pint. The autumn colours were so very pretty and I just love the little winding lanes that artfully conceal the next ridiculous climb. Come ride in Wales - its wonderful!