Meanwhile: shopping. I have invested in some thermal overshoes to save my toes from frostbite when I start the early morning rides to work in the spring, and a high viz jacket I've had my eye on for a while. The nice people at Wiggle get a gold star for responding pronto to the email I had to send immediately after I had placed the order - I picked the black one by mistake, not very high viz at all. Thank you Wiggly people.
Swimming today at Cardiff International Pool - fooled around in the nice warm family bit and then did a slow but steady 12 lengths in the big bit, better than sitting on the sofa I guess. I rather fancy swimming lessons to turn my schoolgirl breaststroke into a slick crawl, but they're jolly pricey. Also realised I need to work on my upper body strength a tad - couldnt get myself out without crawling over the side like an injured frog! Hey ho.
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